The horrendous incident of 11 Sept, 2001 is not such that you hear or read about it and then easily forget. The entire worlds’ heart beat is associated with it. Despite American Government’s utmost endeavour, the awarness/controversy surrounding this incident is increasing rather than decreasing. Scientists, engineers pilots, relatives of those killed in Twin Tower blasts, cum demolition rescue workers in the towers, even doctors and several architects organizations along with common civilians have started declaring in no uncertain terms, that the 9/11 report of American official. investigation agency is false, so fresh investigation should commence. The whole world knows from experience that government investigating agencies are used to push the truth under the carpet rather than bring it to light.
‘World architecture News’ has given a lot of information for its members in its editorials on the occasion of anniversary of 9/11. The writer is Richard Gauge who is a member of American Institute of Architects, working for the last 20 years in San Francisco. He is the president of an organization. “ Engineers and Architects for truth”. Constituted by more than 1280 members, all of whom want a fresh inquiry into 9/11 incident. I’m surprised that there are well-off well educated people over there who are ready to confront their stubborn government. Richard Gauge has lectured on 9/11 in 11 countries and at more than 100 places in U.S.A. How many towers were visibly/dramatically destroyed on 9/11 ? Mostly, people would say: two. Infact that day 3 towers were shown demolished – No.1, No.2 and No.7. No. 7 was a 47 storey building built at the same time as the other towers. American TV media showed No. 7 tower only on 1st day. Thereafter there is such complete silence that only 6% Americans know about its existence and demolition. This tower like the other two, was as long and wide as a football ground, only 50% less in height. In the entire India we don’t have a single 47 storey building and in America most people no longer even remember having heard of such a Solomon Tower building. This is called brain-washing in the real sense of the word. Now in it’s place there is constructed a similar new building.
Now let’s recall “Architect Engineer 9/11 Truth”. Its 1280 members demand a new, independent, non Govt., investigation commission. National Institute of Standard and Technology is a Government organization which claims that tower No.7 caught fire because it was merely 100 yards away from the burning northern tower No. 1 and also got engulfed by fire soon. It also fell in it’s footprint although no aircraft rammed into it. The Government commission of investigation into 9/11 does not even mention the name of tower No. 7 in its report. Remember, tower No.7 too was made of high quality steel and cement. Government spoke persons and technical hands tried, their level best to convolute the truth by declaring that they are right and “Truth 9/11” are wrong. But at last they had to give in on technical issues. But what difference does it make? When people are not bothered about the existence of tower No. 7 then what does it matter how it got demolished ?
The reality is tower No.7 fell as if there was nothing at its base. How was this managed? For this purpose about eight storeys of this building ( which was approximately the area of a football ground ) were blown off in one go. You can imagine the quality and quantity of explosives needed for this difficult feat. However, it took merely 6 seconds to totally demolish this 47 roofed building.
According to the government, Tower 1 and 2 “fell” because they caught fire when the aircraft rammed into them, whereas Tower No. 7 fell because it caught fire from the raging blaze emanating from Tower 1 and 2.
This great lie has been repeated so many times that it might have been indelibly engraved in people’s minds now. From times immemorial the weapon of a bully has been a ‘lie’. Tell such a great lie that the listener may be too stunned to utter a word.
The documents of government agencies prove that jet-fuel and fire in offices can never burn beyond 2000 Fahrenheit of heat. The whole world knows that steel starts melting at 2800 F. this difference of 800 F is being coverd over by pack of lies and false TV, newspaper reports. The fire extinguisher/fighter squad has seen pools of molten steel with their own eyes. One can see the columns of melting steel from the sides of Towers 1 and 2 in video films.
When kids blow soap bubbles they acquire a round shape immediately. Similarly small droplets that are emitted while sneezing or coughing are also round in shape. This shape is visible only under microscope. On 9/11, melting, exploding and dustifying blasts seemed to carry entire steel of the buildings with it into thin air like exploding steam from a kettle. A 400 ft high steel antenna over tower No. 1 also disappeared like steam! In this steam were included trillions of ultra minute round steel droplets which engulfed entire New York. After 9/11, people were banned to move on nearby stretch of land. But who could deter scientists to find those minute round spherules of the steel dust? Under the microscope these objects appeared absolutely round. This is a definite proof of that immense heat and extremely strong explosive devices have been used. Collision of an aluminium aircraft could not cause any damage to the building !
Nano Thermite can melt steel. The scientists were able to detect that substance from the dust settling over New York, which caused intense heat and melted steel into thin streaming columns; Nano Thermite molecules are 1000 times smaller than human hair. In 2001, this technology was used only by American Army. It is therefore clear that owner of World Trade Center had access to this technology. The owner of the towers is Larry Silverstein and the company’s name is Controlled Demolition Inc. which is engaged in demolishing high rise buildings. However, some additional immensely high energy device (nuclear ?) was used to dustify the buildings in a fraction of a second, so that hardly anything hit the ground.
What coordination: as if many musicians have presented a joint musical item for the last 8 years. We are listening to the same tune: Bin Laden and his terrorists brought this destruction to America so “our” forces would return home after eliminating terrorism from the whole world. No matter how many countries are destroyed for this purpose. Lakhs or crores of people may die or be wounded; there may be economic recession or even perpetual war. All this in name of bringing eternal peace to the workd. Excellent!
Today evil forces are trying to over power hard working innocent people of America. It is said America has 2 political parties but infact they are one. 9/11 incident of Twin Towers is the juglar vein of evil. The wide awake Americans and the knowing people of the world are trying to get hold of the evil by the juglar/neck. This issue is going to change history. First of all we should open our own eyes.

The Last Bondage:

“No community can retain its freedom by remaining ignorant. Safety of people cannot be guaranteed without vigilance. If there is freedom of press and people are educated, then everyone is safe. Our press is not free. It is reeling under business, political, military and international pressure and is handicapped due to lack of independent and honest investigative sources. Our people, for many generations, have been denied the inclination to read and gain experience. Our community is fed on shallow news and useless ostentation. News, undesirable character, constable defenseless society.
Thomas Jafferson
Past U.S. President
A scientist Judy Wood has recently published an excellent book “Where did the towards go”. It proves conclusively that high energy weapons (meaning nuclear, hydrogen) were used for the dustification of the Twin Towers.

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